Yaz & Yasmin Lawsuit claim professionals

Affected by Yaz or Yasmin birth control medication? Yasminclaims.org can help. Visit us today and start your claim.
Want to Use Yaz as a Contraceptive? Well, Think Twice

​​Yaz Lawsuit cases continue to rise amid the devestating side effects women were not warned about when starting this medication. Yasminclaims.org looks at why. One of the many birth control alternatives available on the market is birth control pills. Most of these pills work by introducing sysnthetic hormones into the users system hence offsetting the normal menstrual cycle to hamper the formation of ideal conception atmosphere. One such drug is a combination of ethinyl estradiol and Drospirenone, commonly known as Yasmine, Yaz or Beyaz.

The power of the pill
​Due to its power to chance the hormonal balance in the human body, medical experts decided to use it in birth control pills. Normally, the Drospirenone is combined with other components like ethinyl estradiol to produce the ideal mixture for contraception purposes. Since its introduction in the market, the drug has beed widely accepted and used with the U.S. Food and Drug Adminstration clearing it for moderate acne or premenstrual dysphoric disorder treatments.

During its production, doctors had the intent of hampering conception by either preventing ovulation totally or altering the layout of the cervix and uterus walls to make fertilization and implantation impossible or very hard.

However, since the developers of this effective drug did not indulge in many tests and depended on the power of the two components to make Yaz an effective birth control pill, there are several hazards that have always been attached with the use of Yaz.

Multiple Yaz / Yasmin lawsuits
​Since its deployment in the market, the producers have faced multiple lawsuits due to side effects that they had not warned the users of. The bottom line is that even though the drug composition is a perfect alternative to contraception, it has a multitude of side effects. The side effects become highly manifested with continued use for contraception purposes since the dosages are slightly higher than they would be when it is used to treat other hormonal complications.

In addition to this, Yaz has earned the reputation of being a strict drug. If you skip a dose, your chances of getting pregnant increase exponentially. With several lawsuits in court and information cropping out about the side effects of this drug, anyone venturing into tapping off its simple effectiveness should always think twice.

At Yasminclaims.org we can help you or a loved one if you have taken Yasmin or Yaz and suffered as a consequence. ​​Visit our website today and complete our simple contact form to get started on your claim to compensation